Off the starting blocks

Well, in athletics parlance we’re off the starting blocks!  Work is under way

  • to set up the necessary infrastructure.  The system will be hosted on a number of virtual machines: a development server and a set each of testing and production servers which will separate some of the potentially resource-hungry software components.
  • to write up the official Project Plan for our sponsors, the JISC, and
  • to convert some sample objects from their current (Fedora 2.2.4) format to Hydra compliant objects for Fedora 3.4.2.  These will give us some test content to work with.  Eventually we will need to convert our entire repository, but that daunting task will wait until we have done some preliminary testing!

We would anticipate making the Project Plan available some time in early March after its official approval.

By Easter we hope to have a read-only test instance running (which is to say it will not yet allow create, delete or update). Unlike the ‘proof of concept’ site at this new site will be compliant to the current Hydra guidelines. (The poc site was constructed to older guidelines and contains a number of ugly ‘fixes’.)

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